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文献标题   学科   出版社  

Title ISBN ISSN Author Content Available Main Subject Category URL 类型 出版社
Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 1875-8967 西文电子期刊 IOS Press(NSTL)
Journal of Pediatric Neurology 1875-9041 西文电子期刊 IOS Press(NSTL)
Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 1875-8894 西文电子期刊 IOS Press(NSTL)
Journal of Vestibular Research 1878-6464 西文电子期刊 IOS Press(NSTL)
Journal of Visualization - Internet 1343-8875 西文电子期刊 IOS Press(NSTL)
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 1878-6316 西文电子期刊 IOS Press(NSTL)
Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 1095-9114 西文电子期刊 IOS Press(NSTL)
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 1876-1372 西文电子期刊 IOS Press(NSTL)
Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 1878-4429 西文电子期刊 IOS Press(NSTL)
Journal of Neutron Research 1477-2655 西文电子期刊 IOS Press(NSTL)
Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases 1305-7693 西文电子期刊 IOS Press(NSTL)
Journal of Parkinson's Disease 1877-718X 西文电子期刊 IOS Press(NSTL)
Journal of Pediatric Biochemistry 1879-5404 西文电子期刊 IOS Press(NSTL)
Journal of Berry Research 1878-5123 西文电子期刊 IOS Press(NSTL)
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 1475-7516 西文电子期刊 IOP Publishing(NSTL)
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 1742-5468 西文电子期刊 IOP Publishing(NSTL)
Journal of Instrumentation 1748-0221 西文电子期刊 IOP Publishing(NSTL)
Journal of Breath Research 1752-7163 西文电子期刊 IOP Publishing(NSTL)
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 1520-0469 西文电子期刊 American Meteorological Society(NSTL)
Journal of Hydrometeorology 1525-7541 西文电子期刊 American Meteorological Society(NSTL)
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 1520-0426 西文电子期刊 American Meteorological Society(NSTL)
Journal of Physical Oceanography 1520-0485 西文电子期刊 American Meteorological Society(NSTL)
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 1558-8432 西文电子期刊 American Meteorological Society(NSTL)
Journal of Climate 1520-0442 西文电子期刊 American Meteorological Society(NSTL)
Journal of Animal Science 1525-3163 西文电子期刊 American Society of Animal Science(NSTL)

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