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Vitamins and hormones :advances in research and applications.v. 72,Plant hormones /edited by Gerald Litwack . --Academic Press, 2005. --(58.1743/V837/v.72)



1. The Genomic View of Genes Responsive To the antagonistic phytohormones

    abscisic acid, and gibberellin  2

2. Gravitropic bending and plant hormones  32

3. Hormonal regulation of sex expression in plants  80

4. Plant Peroxisomes  113

5. Regulatory and functional interactions of plant growth regulators and plant glutathiones s-Transferases (GSTs)  157

6. Auxins  204

7. Regulatory networks of the phytohormone abscisic acid  236

8. Cytokinin biosynthesis and regulation  272

9. Gibberellin metabolism and signaling  290

10. Nitric oxide signaling in plants  340

11. Ethylene biosynthesis and signaling: an Overview  400

12. Jasmonate: an Oxylipin signal with Many roles in plants  432

13. Plant sex pheromones  458

14. Plant brassinosteroid hormones  480

15. Terpenoids As plant Antioxidants  506