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The Cambrain fossils of Chengjiang, China : the flowering of early animal life / by Hou Xian-Guang. -- Blackwell, 2004. (58.352/C178)



1. Geological time and the evolution of early life on Earth  3

2. The evolutionary significance of the Chengjiang biota  8

3. The discovery and initial study of the Chengjiang Lagerstatte  10

4. The distribution and geological setting of the Chengjiang Lagerstatte  16

5. The taphonomy and preservation of the Chengjiang fossils  23

6. The paleoecology of the Chengjiang biota  25

7. Algae  30

8. Phylum Porifera  34

9. Phylum Cnidaria  54

10. Phylum Ctenophora  56

11. Phylum Nematomorpha  58

12. Phylum Priapulida  64

13. Phylum Hyolitha  74

14. Phylum Lobopodia  82

15. Anomalocarididae (Phylum uncertain)  94

16. Phylum Arthropoda  102

17. Phylum Brachiopoda  178

18. Phylum? Vetulicolia  188

19. Phylum Chordata  192

20. Enigmatic animals  194

21. Species recorded from the Chengjian biota  214