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中国•深圳博士后创新讲堂 = Postdoctoral forum in Shenzhen, China / 本书编委会. -- 哈尔滨 : 哈尔滨工业大学出版社, 2008. – (96.22 /5063 /1:)


    目 录<br>    
    资本市场与商业银行发展 Capital Market and the Development of Commercial Banks
    科技创新与区域经济发展 Scientific Innovation and Regional Economic Development
    中药创新药物的研究思路与实践 The train of thoughts and implementation of the research of novelmedicine based on Traditional Chinese Medicine
    之一 《防治心血管疾病的中药产品研究与开发》<br>    之二 《渗透泵控释制剂在中药开发中的应用》<br>    三维重建技术及应用 Techniques for 3D Surface Reconstruction and Applications
    物流关键技术与企业竞争力 Logistics Key Technology & Enterprise Competitiveness
    自动化领域发展趋势与城市能源监测管理平台 The Direction of Automatization and City Energy Monitoring & Control Platform
    污淤泥研究与进展 New Research and Development of Sewage Sludge and Sediments
    纳米粉体材料:认识、机遇与挑战 Nanoparticles:Knowledge,0pportunity and Challenge