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Molecular ecology / by Joanna R. Freeland, Heather Kirk, Stephen Petersen. — 2nd ed. — Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, c2011. – (58.181/F854/2nd ed.)


    1 Molecular Genetics in Ecology
    What is molecular ecology?
    The emergence of molecular ecology
     Protein allozymes
     Allozymes as genetic markers
    An unlimited source of data
     Mutation and recombination
     Is genetic variation adaptive?
     Polymerase chain reaction
     Sources of DNA
     Getting data from PCR
     DNA sequencing
     Second-generation sequencing
     Third-generation sequencing
     Quantitative PCR
    Chapter summary
    Useful websites and software
    Further reading
    Review questions
    2 Molecular Markers in Ecology
    Understanding molecular markers
    Modes of inheritance
     Nuclear versus organelle
     Animal mitochondrial DNA
     Plant mitochondrial DNA
     Plastids, including chloroplast DNA
     Haploid chromosomes
     Identifying hybrids
     Uniparental markers: A cautionary note
    Molecular markers
     Co-dominant markers
     DNA sequences
     Dominant markers
    Chapter summary
    Useful websites and software
    Further reading
    Online activities
    Review questions
    3 Genetic Analysis of Single Populations
    Why study single populations?
     What is a population?
    Quantifying genetic diversity
     Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
     Estimates of genetic diversity
     Haploid diversity
     Choice of marker
    What influences genetic diversity?
     Genetic drift
    What is effective population size?
    Quantifying census population size
    Quantifying effective population size
     Single-Sample Estimators
     Temporal method
    Demographic influences on Ne
     Sex ratios
     Variation in reproductive success
     Fluctuating population size
    Ne, genetic drift and genetic diversity
    Population bottlenecks
    Founder effects and invasive species
    Natural selection
    The major histocompatibility complex
    Chapter summary
    Useful websites and software
    Further reading
    Online activities
    Review questions
    4 Genetic Analysis of Multiple Populations
    Why study multiple populations?
    Quantifying population subdivision
     Genetic distance
     Interpreting FST
     Non-a priori identification of populations
    Quantifying gene flow
     Direct methods
     Indirect methods
     Assignment tests
    What influences gene flow?
     Barriers to dispersal
     Landscape genetics
     Interspecific interactions
    Population differentiation: genetic drift and natural selection
     Gene flow and genetic drift
     Gene flow and local adaptation
     Drift versus selection
     Patterns of molecular evolution
     Discordant genetic differentiation
     Clinal variations in allele frequencies: FsT versus QsT
    Chapter summary
    Useful websites and software
    Further reading
    Online activities
    Review questions
    5 Studying Ecologically Important Traits: Ecogenomics, QTL Analysis, and Reverse Genetics
    Studying ecologically important traits
     cDNA libraries and ESTs
    How do microarrays work?
     Verifying differences in gene expression
     Microarray applications
     Variation within individuals
     Variation between species
     Sequence differences
     Differences in gene expression
     Microarrays and community ecology of microorganisms
     Microorganism functions
     Microarrays and genotyping
    Connecting genotype to phenotype
     Reverse genetics
    QTL analysis
     Linkage mapping
     QTL mapping
     QTL mapping of ecologically important traits
    Chapter summary
    Useful websites and software
    Further reading
    Review questions
    6 Phylogeography
    What is phylogeography?
    Molecular markers in phylogeography
     Organelle versus nuclear markers
     Repetitive versus non-repetitive markers
     Neutral versus adaptive markers
    Molecular clocks
    Bifurcating trees
    The coalescent
     Applying the coalescent
    Nested Clade Phylogeographic analysis and statistical phylogeography 244
    The distributions of genetic lineages
     Subdivided populations
     Dispersal and vicariance
    Comparative phylogeography
     Regional concordance
     Continental concordance
     European post-glacial recolonization routes
     Dispersal and invasive species
    Allele sharing between species
     Lineage sorting
     Hybrid zones
    Chapter summary
    Useful websites and software
    Further reading
    Online activities
    Review questions
    7 Behavioural Ecology
    Why use molecules to study behaviour?
    Mating systems
     Parentage analysis
     Extra-pair fertilizations
     Who achieves EPFs?
     Does environment influence EPFs?
     Mate choice
     Post-copulatory mate choice
     Social breeding
     Social insects
    Manipulating sex ratios
     Sex ratio conflicts
    Sex-biased dispersal
     Nuclear and mitochondrial markers
     Fsx values
     Assignment tests
     Spatial autocorrelation
     Concordant results
    Predators and prey
     Identifying prey
     Predation and conservation
    Chapter summary
    Useful websites and software
    Further reading
    Online activities
    Review questions
    8 Conservation Genetics
    The need for conservation
     Species concepts
     DNA barcoding
     Conservation units
    Population size, genetic diversity and inbreeding
     Inbreeding depression
     Heterozygosity fitness correlations
     Inbreeding avoidance
     Outbreeding depression
     Genetic rescue
     Source populations
     Restoration genetics
    Captive breeding
     Maximizing genetic diversity
     Captive inbreeding and outbreeding
    Genetic diversity banks
    Chapter summary
    Useful websites and software
    Further reading
    Online activities
    Review questions
    Answers to Review Questions