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Developmental neurobiology / editor, Greg Lemke. — London : Academic, c2009. – (59.59/D489d)


    Neural Induction in Chicks
    Morphogens: History
    Sonic Hedgehog and Neural Patterning
    Floor Plate Patterning of Ventral Cell Types: Ventral Patterning
    Writ Pathway and Neural Patterning
    Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) Signaling in the Neuroectoderm
    Retinoic Acid Signaling and Neural Patterning
    Hox Genes Expression
    Anterior-Posterior Spinal Cord Patterning of the Motor Pool
    Neural Patterning: Midbrain-Hindbrain Boundary
    Midbrain Patterning
    Forebrain Development: Prosomere Mode
    Forebrain: Early Development
    Forebrain Development: Holoprosencephaly (HPE)
    Neural Patterning: Arealization of the Cortex
    Neural Patterning: Eye Fields
    Notch Pathway: Lateral Inhibition
    Notch Signal Transduction: Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms
    Helix-Loop-Helix (bHLH) Proteins: Proneura
    Helix-Loop-Helix (bHLH) Proteins: Hes Family
    Sox Gene Expression
    Transcriptional Networks and the Spinal Cord
    Transcriptional Silencing
    Motor Neuron Specification in Vertebrates
    Molecular Anatomy of the Mammalian Brain
    Terminal Differentiation: REST
    Drosophila Apterous Neurons: From Stem Cell to Unique Neuron
    Macroglial Lineages
    Dopaminergic Differentiation
    Olfactory Neuron Patterning and Specification
    Oligodendrocyte Specification
    Hair Cell Differentiation
    Retinal Development: An Overview
    Retinal Development: Cell Type Specification
    Neural Stem Cells: Ocular
    Neural Crest
    Schwann Cell Development
    Schwann Cells and Axon Relationship
    Neural Crest Cell Diversification and Specification: ErbB Role
    Neural Crest Diversification and Specification: Transcriptional Control of Schwann Cell Differentiation
    Neural Crest Cell Diversification and Specification: Melanocytes
    Autonomic Nervous System Development
    Autonomic Neuroplasticity: Development
    Enteric Nervous System Development
    Sexual Differentiation of the Brain
    Sexual Differentiation of the Central Nervous System
    Chemoaffinity Hypothesis: Development of Topographic Axonal Projections
    Topographic Maps: Molecular Mechanisms
    Axonal Pathfinding: Theoretical and Computational Models
    Axon Guidance: Guidance Cues and Guidepost Cells
    Axon Guidance by Glia
    Corticospinal Development
    Axon Guidance: Building Pathways with Molecular Cues in Vertebrate Sensory Systems
    Growth Cones
    Optic Nerve, Optic Chiasm, and Optic Tracts
    Activity in Visual Development
    NMDA Receptors and Development
    Optic Tectum: Development and Plasticity
    Dendrite Development, Synapse Formation and Elimination
    Axon Guidance: Morphogens as Chemoattractants and Chemorepellants
    Axonal Pathfinding: Guidance Activities of Sonic Hedgehog (Shh)
    Axonal Pathfinding: Netrins
    Axonal Pathfinding: Extracellular Matrix Role
    Postsynaptic Development: Neuronal Molecular Scaffolds
    Postsynaptic Specialization Assembly
    Presynaptic Development and Active Zones
    Presynaptic Development: Functional and Morphological Organization
    Development of Drosophila Neuromuscular Junctions
    Neuromuscular Junction (NMJ): Mammalian Development
    Neuromuscular Junction (NMJ): Postsynaptic Basal Lamina
    Neuromuscular Junction: Neuronal Regulation of Gene Transcription at the Vertebrate
    Neuromuscular Junction: Synapse Elimination
    Schwann Cells and Plasticity of the Neuromuscular Junction
    Glia and Synapse Formation: An Overview
    GABAA Receptors: Developmental Roles
    Cerebral Cortex: Symmetric vs. Asymmetric Cell Division
    Differentiation: The Cell Cycle Instead
    Programmed Cell Death
    Autonomic and Enteric Nervous System: Apoptosis and Trophic Support During Development
    Autophagy and Neuronal Death
    Neurotrophins: Physiology and Pharmacology
    Enteric Nervous System: Neurotrophic Factors
    Glial Growth Factors
    Neural Stem Cells: Adult Neurogenesis
    Neurogenesis in the Intact Adult Brain
    Stem Cells and CNS Repair
    Synaptic Plasticity: Neuronogenesis and Stem Cells in Normal Brain Aging
    Synaptic Plasticity: Neuronal Sprouting
    Axonal Regeneration: Role of Growth and Guidance Cues
    Spinal Cord Regeneration and Functional Recovery: Strategies
    Peripheral Nerve Regeneration: An Overview