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International review of cell and molecular biology. v. 283 / edited by Kwang W. Jeon. — Amsterdam : Elsevier, c2010. – (58.15/I61/v.283)


    1. Use of Virtual Cell in Studies of Cellular Dynamics
    1. Introduction
    2. Modeling Capabilities of VCell
    3. What One Can Accomplish with the VCell (Review of Published Studies)
    4. Future Directions in Developing Tools for Modeling in Cell Biology
    2. New Insights into the Dynamics of Cell Adhesions
    1. Introduction
    2. Overview of Cell Adhesion
    3. Overview of Cell-Adhesion Proteins
    4. Regulation of Cell Adhesion Dynamics In Vitro
    5. Regulation of Cell-Adhesion Dynamics: In Vivo Studies
    6. Conclusions and Future Directions
    3. Axonal Ensheathment and Intercellular Barrier Formation in Drosophila
    1. Introduction
    2. Drosophila Axonal Ensheathment and Vertebrate Myelination
    3. Axonal Ensheathment in the Drosophila PNS
    4. Axonal Ensheathment in Drosophila CNS
    5. BBB Formation in Drosophila
    6. Concluding Remarks
    4. Making senses: Development of Vertebrate Cranial Placodes 129
    1. Introduction: A Diversity of Placodes
    2. The Panplacodal Primordium: A Common Region of Origin for all Placodes
    3. Induction and Specification of the Panplacodal Primordium
    4. Regionalization of the Panplacodal Primordium and Development of Individual Placodes
    5. Specification and Differentiation of Placodal Neurons and Sensory Cells
    6. Morphogenesis of Placodes
    7. Conclusions
    5. Mechanisms of Protein Kinase A Anchoring
    1. Introduction
    2. Proteins Involved in Compartmentalized cAMP/PKA Signaling
    3. AKAPs: Scaffolds for Local Signaling
    4. Cellular Functions Regulated by AKAP-Anchored PKA
    5. AKAP Dysfunction in Human Disease
    6. Concluding Remarks