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Genomics, proteomics and vaccines / edited by Guido Grandi. -- John Wiley & Sons, 2004. -- 58.17/G335



1. Vaccination: Past, Present and Future  3

2. Bioinformatics, DNA Microarrays and Proteomics in Vaccine Discovery : Competing or Complementary Technologies?  23

3. Genomics Sequencing and Analysis  45

4. Understanding DNA Microarrays: Sources and Magnitudes of Variances in DNA Microarray Data Sets  75

5. The Proteome, Anno domini Two Zero Three  103

6. Mass Spectrometry in Proteomics  135

7. High Throughput Cloning, Expression and Purification Technologies  171

8. Meningococcus B: from Genome to Vaccine  185

9. Vaccines Against Pathogenic Streptococci  205

10. Identification of the 'Antigenome' - a Novel Tool for Design and Development of Subunit Vaccines Against Bacterial Pathogens  223

11. Searching the Chlamydia Genomes for New Vaccine Candidates  245

12. Proteomics and Anti-Chlamydia Vaccine Discovery  267

13. Proteome Analysis of Outer Membrane and Extracellular Proteins from Pseudomonas aeruginosa for Vaccine discovery  285