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International review of cytology: a survey of cell biology. v. 245 /edited by Kwang W. Jeon. --Academic Press, 2005. -- (58.15/I61/v.245)




1.         Calpain Proteases in Cell Adhesion and Motility  1

2.         Transforming Growth Factor-β(TGF-β) and Programmed Cell Death in the Vertebrate Retina  18

3.         Molecular Mechanism of Apoptosis Induced by Mechanical Forces  46

4.         Cellular Functions of Endoplasmic Reticulum Chaperones Calreticulin, Calnexin, and Erp57  91

5.         Plasticity of Nonapeptidergic Neurosecretory Cells in Fish Hypothalamus and Neurohypophysis  124

6.         Interactions Between Virus Proteins and Host Cell Membranes During the Viral life Cycle  171

7.         Nerve Ending “Signal” Proteins GAP-43, Marcks, and Basp1  246