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Encyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine. v.5: Fungal Biotechnology to Growth Factors / edited by Robert A. Meyers. -- 2nd ed. -- Wiley, 2004


索书号: 58.178072/E56e/2nd ed./v.5

1.Fungal Biotechnology  1

2.Gaucher Disease, Molecular Biology of  23

3.Gel Electrophoresis, 2D-difference  33

4.Gene Distribution in the Human Gemome  53

5.Gene Expression and Replication of Picornaviruses  93

6.Gene Mapping and Chromosome Evolution by Fluorescence-Activated Chromosome Sorting  119

7.Gene Mapping by Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization  137

8.Gene Targeting  173

9.Gene Therapy and Cardiovascular Diseases  211

10.Genetic Analysis of Populations  243

11.Genetic engineering of Hemoglobin  265

12.Genetic Engineering of Vaccines  293

13.Genetic Intelligence, Evolution of   313

14.Genetic Variation and Molecular Evolution  331

15.Genetics and Molecular Biology of Lung Cancer  353

16.Genetics, Molecular Basis of   369

17.Genome Scanning Mrethod; Restriction Landmark Genomic Scanning (RLGS)  413

18.Genomic DNA Libraries, Construction and Applications  441

19.Genomic Imprinting, Molecular Genetics of   469

20.Genomic Responses to Oxidative Stress  489

21.Genomic Sequencing (Core Article)  513

22.Glycobiology  537

23.Glycoproteins: Roles in Cellular Homeostasis and Disease  569

24.Gonad Differentiation Genetics  607

25.Growth Factors  637

26.Glossary of Basic Terms  657

27.The Twenty Amino Acids that are Combined Form Proteins in Living Things  665

28.The Twenty Amino Acids with Abbreviations and Messenger RNA Code Designations  669

29.Complementary Strands of DNA with Base Pairing  671