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The mouse nervous system / edited by Charles Watson, George Paxinos, Luis Puelles. -- 1st ed. -- Amsterdam ; Boston : Elsevier Academic Press, 2012. -- (59.59 /M932) |
Table Of Contents:
List of Contributors xiii
Preface xv
Acknowledgments xvii
1 Molecular Regionalization of the Developing Neural Tube 2(17)
Salvador Martinez
Eduardo Puelles
Luis Puelles
Diego Echevarria
Introduction 2(1)
Morphogenesis of the Neural Tube 3(3)
Dorso-Ventral (DV) Patterning in the Neural Tube 6(3)
Antero-Posterior (AP) Patterning in the Neural Tube 9(2)
Secondary Organizers Control Molecular Regionalization 11(1)
Diencephalic Regionalization: How the Diencephalon Creates its Structural Complexity 12(1)
The Diencephalic Transcriptome Map Supports the Prosomeric Model 13(2)
Acknowledgments 15(1)
List of Abbreviations 15(1)
References 15(4)
2 Gene Targeting 19(17)
Petr Tvrdik
Mario R Capecchi
The Pioneering Experiments 19(1)
Mouse Strains and Stem Cells used in Gene Knockout Technology 20(1)
Gene Targeting in other Rodent Species 21(1)
Strategies to Specific Gene Inactivation 22(3)
Conditional Gene Inactivation and Genetic Labeling in the Nervous System 25(2)
Genetic Tools for Functional Dissection of Neuronal Circuits 27(3)
References 30(6)
3 Genetic Neuroanatomy 36(16)
Alexandra L. Joyner
Anamaria Sudarov
Genetic Neuroanatomy 36(1)
Use of Genetic Inducible Fate Mapping to Relate Embryonic Genetic Neuroanatomy to Adult Neural Structures 37(4)
Dissecting the Three Dimensional Organization and Circuitry of the Cerebellum Using Genetic Fate Mapping 41(4)
New Insights into Neurogenesis and Specification of Cell Types using Genetic Fate Mapping 45(1)
GIFM as an Approach for Identifying and Studying Adult Stem Cells 45(1)
Future Applications of Fate Mapping of Genetic Neuroanatomy 46(1)
Acknowledgments 47(1)
References 48(4)
4 Neocortex 52(60)
Matthew T.K. Kirkcaldie
Role of the Neocortex 52(1)
Structure of Neocortex 53(3)
Cellular Constituents 56(19)
Function of the Neocortex 75(13)
Regions of the Neocortex 88(4)
Strain Variation 92(1)
Mouse-Human Homology 92(2)
Acknowledgment 94(1)
References 94(18)
5 Hippocampus 112(28)
Menno Witter
Introduction 112(4)
Cytoarchitectonics and Cell Types 116(8)
Connectivity 124(10)
Effects of Strain, Species, and Environment on Architecture 134(1)
Conclusions 135(1)
Acknowledgments 136(1)
References 136(4)
6 Piriform Cortex and Amygdala 140(33)
Fernando Martinez-Garcia
Amparo Novejarque
Nicolas Gutierrez-Castellanos
Enrique Lanuza
Introduction 140(2)
Piriform Cortex and Endopiriform Nucleus 142(7)
The Amygdala: Structure and Organization 149(12)
Functional Neuroanatomy of the Amygdala 161(7)
Acknowledgments 168(1)
References 168(5)
7 Subpallial Structures 173(48)
Loreta Medina
Antonio Abellan
Introduction 173(4)
General Overview of Major Subpallial Structures and Fiber Tracts 177(2)
Subpallial Development - Early Steps: Specification, Parcellation and Morphogenesis 179(6)
Lateral Striatal (LGE) Derivatives and Formation of Mature Striatal Structures 185(10)
Lateral Pallidal (MGE) Derivatives and Formation of Mature Pallidal Structures 195(8)
Preoptic Derivatives and Mature Preoptic Region 203(1)
Septum 204(3)
Implications for Understanding the Functional Organization of the Subpallium 207(5)
Acknowledgments 212(1)
Abbreviations 212(2)
References 214(7)
8 Hypothalamus 221(92)
Luis Puelles
Margaret Martinez-De-La-Torre
S. Bardet
J.L.R. Rubenstein
Introduction 221(10)
Neural Plate Topology of the Hypothalamus 231(13)
Early Developmental Molecular Subdivisions of the Hypothalamus: The Fundamental Progenitor Areas 244(9)
Subthalamus 253(2)
Hypothalamic Nuclei Derived from the Diverse Progenitor Domains 255(40)
Organization of Gabaergic and Glutamatergic Cell Populations 295(2)
Major Hypothalamic Fiber Tracts 297(5)
Literature on the Mouse Hypothalamus 302(1)
Acknowledgment 303(1)
References 303(10)
9 Diencephalon 313(24)
Luis Puelles
Margaret Martinez-De-La-Torre
Jose-Luis Ferran
Charles Watson
Prosomere 1 313(4)
Prosomere 2 317(16)
Prosomere 3 333(2)
References 335(2)
10 Midbrain 337(23)
Eduardo Puelles
Margaret Martinez-De-La-Torre
Charles Watson
Luis Puelles
Specification of the Midbrain 338(3)
Antero-Posterior Organization of the Midbrain 341(1)
Dorso-Ventral Organization of the Midbrain 342(1)
Neuronal Populations of the Midbrain 343(15)
References 358(2)
11 Cerebellum 360(38)
Roy V. Sillitoe
Yuhong Fu
Charles Watson
External Gross Anatomy 361(2)
Cerebellar Lobules and Folial Pattern 363(1)
Molecular and Genetic Parcellation of Cerebellar Lobules 364(1)
Cell Types and Microcircuitry 365(6)
Afferent Fibers Projecting to the Cerebellum 371(4)
Molecular Organization of the Cerebellum 375(3)
Cerebellar Nuclei 378(4)
Morphogenesis of the Cerebellum 382(1)
The Germinal Zones in the Developing Cerebellum 383(1)
The Precerebellar Nuclei 384(6)
Summary 390(1)
References 390(8)
12 Hindbrain 398(26)
Charles Watson
Subdivisions of the Hindbrain - the Isthmus, Rhombomeres, and Cerebellum 398(3)
Neuronal Groupings in the Longitudinal Core of the Hindbrain 401(2)
Sensory Nuclei of the Hindbrain 403(8)
Nuclei Associated with Visceral Sensation 411(2)
Reticular Nuclei of the Hindbrain 413(1)
Monoamine Nuclei of the Hindbrain 414(2)
Cholinergic Nuclei 416(1)
Nuclei that Control Respiration and Other Visceral Functions 416(1)
Major Fiber Tracts of the Hindbrain 417(5)
References 422(2)
13 Spinal Cord 424(35)
Gulgun Sengul
Charles Watson
Introduction 424(1)
Gross Anatomy of the Mouse Spinal Cord 425(5)
Cytoarchitecture of the Mouse Spinal Cord 430(7)
The Distribution of Major Neuronal Transmitters in the Mouse Spinal Cord 437(1)
Ascending and Descending Pathways of the Spinal Cord 438(6)
Projections from the Brain to the Spinal Cord 444(4)
Spinal Cord Development 448(1)
Blood Supply of the Spinal Cord 449(1)
The Allen Spinal Cord Atlas 450(1)
References 450(9)
14 Vascular Supply 459(14)
Oscar U. Scremin
Daniel P. Holschneider
Introduction 459(1)
Anatomy 459(6)
Blood Flow Imaging and Functional Localization 465(5)
References 470(3)
15 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Mouse Brain 473(17)
Manisha Aggarwal
Jiangyang Zhang
Susumu Mori
Resolution and Contrast are Two Important Factors in MRI 474(1)
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Contrast Generation 474(4)
In Vivo and Ex Vivo MRI have Relative Advantages and Disadvantages 478(1)
There are Application Studies in Which MRI Plays a Vital Role 479(6)
Summary 485(1)
References 486(4)
16 Motor Nuclei of the Cranial Nerves 490(9)
Charles Watson
Oculomotor Nucleus 490(1)
Edinger-Westphal Nucleus 491(1)
Trochlear Nucleus 492(1)
Motor Trigeminal Nucleus 492(1)
Abducens Nucleus 493(1)
Facial Motor Nucleus 494(1)
Neurons Projecting to the Sense Organs of the Labyrinth 495(1)
Superior and Inferior Salivatory Nuclei 495(1)
Nucleus Ambiguus 495(1)
Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus 496(1)
Hypoglossal Nucleus 496(1)
The Spinal Accessory Motor Neurons 497(1)
References 497(2)
17 Visceral Motoneurons 499(21)
Phil Jobling
The Autonomic Nervous System Plays a Pivotal Role in Homeostasis and Reproduction 499(1)
General Anatomical Features 500(1)
Chemical Coding of Autonomic Pathways 500(2)
Preganglionic Neurons 502(1)
Postganglionic Neurons 503(2)
Major Autonomic Pathways 505(9)
Conclusions 514(1)
Acknowledgment 514(1)
References 514(6)
18 Neurosecretory Nuclei of the Hypothalamus and Preoptic Area 520(8)
Charles Watson
Yue Qi
Paraventricular and Supraoptic Nuclei 520(1)
The Anatomy of Pa and SO in the Mouse 520(2)
Functions of the Hypothalamic Neurosecretory System 522(3)
Regulation of Pa Activity 525(1)
Regulation of SO Activity 526(1)
Control of Gonadotropbin and Prolactin Secretion 526(1)
References 526(2)
19 Motor Cortex 528(11)
Nicole Young
Iwona Stepniewska
Jon Kaas
Introduction 528(1)
Primary Motor Cortex (M1) 528(5)
Secondary Motor Cortex (M2) 533(1)
Motor Functions of Anterior Cingulate Cortex 533(1)
Behavioral Consequences of Motor Cortex Lesions: Impairments and Recoveries 533(1)
Motor Map Plasticity in Rodent Models of Seizures 534(1)
References 535(4)
20 Hypothalamic Goal-directed Behavior - Ingestive, Reproductive and Defensive 539(24)
Newton Sabino Canteras
Introduction 539(2)
The Behavior Control Column 541(1)
Ingestive Behaviors: Drinking and Eating 542(3)
Reproductive Behaviors 545(6)
Defensive Behaviors 551(6)
Concluding Remarks 557(1)
References 558(5)
21 The Somatosensory System 563(8)
Charles Watson
Somatosensory Receptor Types 563(3)
The Trigeminal System 566(1)
Somatosensory Thalamus 567(2)
Somatosensory Cortex 569(1)
References 569(2)
22 Gustatory 571(18)
Mark Whitehead
Introduction 571(1)
Peripheral Viscerosensation 571(2)
Brain Stem Viscerosensory Systems 573(6)
Forebrain Viscerosensory Pathways 579(5)
List of Abbreviations 584(2)
References 586(3)
23 Pain 589(18)
Brett Graham
Robert Callister
Introduction 589(1)
The Nociceptor 590(3)
Molecular Mechanisms in Nociceptor Function 593(3)
Nociceptor Development 596(1)
Spinal Cord Dorsal Horn 596(5)
Descending Projections to Dorsal Horn Neurons 601(1)
Representation of Pain in the Cerebral Cortex 602(1)
Conclusion 603(1)
References 604(3)
24 Auditory System 607(39)
Manuel S. Malmierca
David K. Ryugo
Introduction 607(2)
Sound Transduction in the Ear 609(1)
The Organ of Corti 609(3)
The Cochlear Nuclear Complex (CNC) 612(6)
The Superior Olivary Complex (SOC) 618(2)
The Nuclei of the Lateral Lemniscus (NLL) 620(2)
The Inferior Colliculus (IC) 622(1)
Cytoarchitecture of the Inferior Colliculus 622(4)
The Medial Geniculate Body (MG) 626(3)
The Auditory Cortex (AC) 629(3)
The Descending Auditory Pathway 632(5)
Acknowledgments 637(1)
Abbreviation List 638(1)
References 639(7)
25 Visual System 646(7)
Charles Watson
The Eye and Retina 646(1)
Photoreceptor Layer 647(1)
Horizontal Cells 647(1)
The Inner Nuclear Layer - Bipolar and Amacrine Cells 647(1)
Retinal Ganglion Cell Layer 647(1)
Glial Cells in the Retina 648(1)
The Blood Supply to the Mouse Retina 648(1)
The Optic Nerve 648(1)
The Optic Chiasm and Optic Tract 649(1)
The Central Projections of the Retina 649(1)
The Pretectum and Accessory Optic Tract Nuclei 649(1)
The Superior Colliculus 650(1)
The Dorsal Lateral Geniculate Nucleus 650(1)
Visual Cortex 650(1)
References 651(2)
26 The Olfactory System 653(8)
Ken Ashwell
Introduction 653(1)
Types of Olfactory Neuroepithelium 653(2)
Olfactory Bulb 655(3)
Lateral Olfactory Tract and Anterior Commissure 658(1)
Conclusions 659(1)
References 659(2)
27 Vestibular System 661(23)
Rebecca Lim
Alan M. Brichta
Introduction 661(1)
Periphery 661(13)
Central 674(5)
References 679(5)
28 The Basal Forebrain Cholinergic Projection System in Mice 684(35)
Laszlo Zaborszky
Anthony Van Den Pol
Erika Gyengest
Introduction 684(2)
Neuron Types in the Basal Forebrain 686(4)
Efferent, Afferent, Intrinsic Connections and Organization 690(7)
Development and Molecular Specification of Basal Forebrain Cholinergic Projection Neurons 697(3)
Transgenic Mouse Models of Neurodegeneration of Basal Forebrain Cholinergic Neurons 700(7)
Trophic Factor Maintenance and the P75 Neurotrophin Receptor 707(1)
Concluding Remarks 708(1)
Acknowledgments 709(1)
References 709(10)
29 An Introduction to the Neurobiology of Emotions and Social Behavior 719(8)
Trevor A. Day
F. Rohan Walker
Emotions 719(4)
Social Behavior 723(2)
Conclusion 725(1)
References 725(2)
30 Prefrontal Cortex 727(11)
Keith B.J. Franklin
Yogita Chudasama
Structural Organization of the Mouse Prefrontal Cortex 727(23)
Functional Organisation of the Mouse Prefrontal Cortex 750
Summary and Conclusion 733(1)
References 733(5)
31 Overview of Mouse Models for Psychiatric and Neurologic Disorders 738(14)
Mark Lindner
Robert Mcarthur
Introduction and Scope of the Overview 758
What are Animal Models of CNS Disorders and Why Do We Need Them? 739(2)
Clinical Relevance and Predictive Validity of Animal Models of CNS Disorders 741(3)
An Example of Mouse Models in Translational Research 744(2)
Summary 746(1)
References 747(5)
32 Mouse Models of Mental Illness and Neurological Disease: Huntington's Disease 752(14)
Miriam Hickey
Nicholas Franich
Vera Medvedeva
Marle-Francoise Chesselet
Introduction 752(1)
Huntington's Disease 753(1)
Animal Models of Huntington's Disease 754(5)
The Use of Mouse Models for Elucidating Pathophysiological Mechanisms of HD 759(2)
The Use of Mouse Models for Preclinical Drug Testing of Neuroprotective Strategies in HD 761(1)
Summary and Conclusions 762(1)
Acknowledgments 762(1)
References 762(4)
33 The Neuroanatomy of Addictive Processes 766(17)
Scott W. Rogers
Lorise C. Gahring
Neuroanatomical Correlates with Reward and Reinforcement Phases of Addiction 767(1)
Neuroanatomy of Reward and Reinforcement 768(1)
The Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) 768(5)
Nucleus Accumbens 773(2)
Amygdala 775(1)
Hippocampus 776(1)
Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) 776(3)
References 779(4)
Index 783