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International review of cell and molecular biology / edited by Kwang W. Jeon. — Amsterdam : Elsevier, c2012. – (58.15/I61/v.299) |
1. Origin and Differentiation of Ionocytes in Gill Epithelium of Teleost Fish
1. Introduction
2. Biology of Epithelial Cells of the Gill
3. Salinity Adaptation in Development of Opercular/Skin Epithelium versus Filamental Gill Epithelium
4. Genomic Pathways Underlying Functional Dualism in Filamental Gill IC
5. Concluding Remarks
6. Glossary of Terms
2. Cellular Mechanisms for the Biogenesis and Transport of Synaptic and Dense-Core Vesicles
1. Introduction
2. SVs and DCVs in Neurotransmission
3. DCVs and SVs in Tissues
4. Important Cargo in DCVs Acting on Brain Function
5. Overview of Secretory Vesicle Biogenesis
6. SV Biogenesis
7. Golgi-to-PM Vesicle Trafficking
8. Vesicle Tethering and Docking for Exocytosis
9. Neuronal Disorders Involving SV Defects
10. Conclusions and Future Directions
3.Effect of Viral Infection on the Nuclear Envelope and Nuclear Pore Complex
1. Introduction
2. NPC and Nuclear Transport
3. NE Breakdown
4. Viruses that Cause NE Disruption
5. Viruses that Cause Structural and Functional Disruptions of the NPC
6. Concluding Remarks
4.New Insights into Cell Cycle Regulation and DNA Damage Response in Embryonic Stem Cells
1. Introduction
2. Cell Cycle and Its Regulation in ESCs
3. DDR Signaling in ESCs
4. Reprograming Somatic Cells to iPSCs and Attenuation of p53ANafl/Ink4 Pathways
5. Conclusion
5. Angiogenic Effects of Erythropoietin
1. Historical Background
2. Biological Properties and Production of Epo
3. Epo and Angiogenesis
4. Epo and Tumor
5. Therapeutic Use of Epo
6. Concluding Remarks
6. Radiation Responses and Resistance
1. Introduction
2. Modulating the Damaging Effect of Radiation; Hypoxia
3. Cellular Responses to IR
4. PTEN and Survival Pathways
5. Tissue-Level Mechanisms for Radiation Resistance
6. Unintended Consequences
7. Concluding Remarks
7. Effects of Ethanol Exposure on Nervous System Development in ZebraFish
1. Introduction
2. ZebraFish as a Model System to Study Human Disease
3. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
4. Visual System Developmental Abnormalities Associated with Ethanol Exposure in ZebraFish
5. Forebrain and Cerebellar Developmental Abnormalities Resulting from Ethanol Exposure in ZebraFish
6. Effect of Ethanol Exposure on Neurogenesis in the Developing and Adult CNS
7. Effect of Ethanol Exposure on Development of Motor Neurons and the Neuromuscular Junction
8. Summary
Subject Index