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Mycotaxon : the international journal of fungal taxonomy & nomenclature. v. 114 / edited-in-chief, Lorelei L. Norvell. — Ithaca, N.Y. : Mycotaxon, Ltd., c2010. – (58.884/M995m/v.114) |
Caloplaca tianshanensis (lichen-forming Ascomycota), a new species of subgenus Pyrenodesmia from China
A new species ofPhysarum (Myxomycetes) from a boreal pine forest in Thuringia (Germany)
Muscodor cinnamorni, a new endophytic species from Cinnarnomum bejolghota
Paecilomyces echinosporus sp. nov., a species isolated from soil in China
Lolia aquatica gen. et sp. nov. (Lindgornycetaceae, Pleosporales), a new coelomycete from freshwater habitats in Egypt
Chlarnydopsis: an emendment of the genus and its type species
Amparoina spinosissima: a continental Asian record and some taxonomic observations
Hyphopolynema ingae sp. nov. associated with leaf-spot disease on Inga edulis in Brazil
A new species of Entolorna from Western Ghats of India
New records of smut fungi. 2. Anthracoidea arnellii sp. nov.
Cetraspora helvetica, a new ornamented species in the Glomeromycetes from Swiss agricultural fields
New and interesting records of lichens from Turkey
Coccostromopsis palmicola on Butia yatay from Argentina
Morphological studies of Hyphoderma cremeoalbum and Radulomyces roseolus
Taxonomic studies of Alternaria from Russia: new species on Asteraceae
The Entolomataceae of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana 5: new species of Alboleptonia
Tuberfoetidum found in Finland
Revisiting the taxonomy of Daruvedia bacillata
Observations on the Bolbitiaceae 31. Conocybe volviradicata sp. nov
Postia stellifera sp. nov., a stipitate and terrestrial polypore from Malaysia
A new record of Gliocephalotrichum simplex from India
Two new records of Mucorales from the Brazilian semi-arid region
Sphaerodes mycoparasites and new Fusarium hosts for S. mycoparasitica
Additional and new lichen records from Cozia National Park, Romania
A new Asterostroma species (Basidiomycota) from a subtropical region in Japan
Three new species of Scytalidium from soil
A new species of Phellinus (Hymenochaetaceae) growing on bamboo from tropical China
Two new species of Septobasidium (Septobasidiaceae) from Hainan Province in China
New records of smut fungi. 3
South Florida microfungi: Kalamarospora multiflagellata gen. et sp. nov. (hyphomycetes), with additional new records from USA
A new species of Colletotrichum from Cordylinefruticosa and Eugenia javanica causing anthracnose disease
Taxonomic studies of Dactylella from Fujian, China
Galerella nigeriensis (Agaricales), a new species from tropical Africa
Studies of Exobasidium new to China: E. rhododendri-siderophylli sp. nov. and E. splendidum
Biogeographical patterns in pyrenomycetous fungi and their taxonomy.
1. The Grayan disjunction
First record ofPhlebia incarnata from the Southern Hemisphere
New records of lichenicolous and lichenized fungi from Turkey
A new species of Heteroconium from Fujian, China
Development and morphology of Clathrus delicatus (Phallomycetidae, Phallaceae) from India
Catillaria, Cladonia, Strigula, and Cresporhaphis species new to Turkey and Asia
Lactarius furnosibrunneus in a relict Fagus grandifolia var. rnexicana population in Mexican montane cloud forest
Hygrocybe manadukaensis sp. nov. in section Firmae from Western Ghats, India
Coprinellus rnitrinodulisporus, a new species from chamois dung
A new species ofPhlyctis (Phlyctidaceae) from China
Two new species of Kylindria from Fujian China
A new species of Minirnelanolocus from Fujian, China
Austro-American lignocellulolytic basidiomycetes (Agaricomycotina): new records
A phylogenetic study of Trechispora thelephora
A new species of Podosporium and a new record from southern China
A new species of Corynesporopsis from Portugal Rafael F. Castafieda Ruiz,<br> Taxonomic studies of Ellisembia from Hainan, China
New records of Corynesporopsis from China
Black mildew fungi (Meliolaceae) associated with Schinus terebinthifolius (Brazilian pepper tree) in Brazil
Morphology: still essential in a molecular world
Masseeellaflueggeae on Flueggea virosa, a new record for Pakistan
Two new species of Stachybotrys from soil
The genus Placidiopsis in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands
A new species of Paradendryphiopsis from Portugal
New records and checklist of corticioid Basidiomycota from Uruguay
Cautionary advice to authors who alter their reprints in any way from the original publication
Summary of recent decisions of the Nomenclature Committee for Fungi
Nomenclatural novelties and typifications proposed in volume 114
From the Editor
Author index
Submission procedures