Introduction to plant physiology / William G. Hopkins and Norman P. A. Huner. — 4th ed. — Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2009. – (58.843/H796/4th ed.) |
Chapter 1 Plant Cells and Water 1
1.1 Water has Unique Physical and Chemical Properties 2
1.2 The Thermal Properties of Water are Biologically Important 3
1.3 Water is the Universal Solvent 4
1.4 Polarity of Water Molecules Results in Cohesion and Adhesion 4
1.5 Water Movement may be Governed by Diffusion or by Bulk Flow 5
1.6 Osmosis is the Diffusion of Water Across a Selectively Permeable Membrane 6
1.7 Hydrostatic Pressure and Osmotic Pressure are Two Components of Water Potential 11
1.8 Water Potential is the Sum of its Component Potentials 11
1.9 Dynamic Flux of H20 is Associated with Changes in Water Potential 12
1.10 Aquaporins Facilitate the Cellular Movement of Water 13
1.11 Two-Component Sensing/Signalling Systems are Involved in Osmoregulation 15
Chapter 2 Whole Plant Water Relations 19
2.1 Transpiration is Driven by Differences in Vapor Pressure 20
2.2 The Driving Force of Transpiration is Differences in Vapor Pressure 21
2.3 The Rate of Transpiration is Influenced by Environmental Factors 22
2.4 Water Conduction Occurs via Tracheary Elements 24
2.5 The Ascent of Xylem SAP is Explained by Combining Transpiration with the Cohesive Forces of Water 27
2.6 Water Loss due to Transpiration must be Replenished 33
2.7 Roots Absorb and Transport Water 34
2.8 The Permeability of Roots to Water Varies 35
2.9 Radial Movement of Water Through the Root Involves Two Possible Pathways 36
Box 2.1 Why Transpiration? 25
Chapter 3 Roots, Soils, and Nutrient Uptake 39
3.1 The Soil as a Nutrient Reservoir 40
3.2 Nutrient Uptake 42
3.3 Selective Accumulation of Ions by Roots 46
3.4 Electrochemical Gradients and Ion Movement 46
3.5 Electrogenic Pumps are Critical for Cellular Active Transport 49
3.6 Cellular Ion Uptake Processes are Interactive 52
3.7 Root Architecture is Important to Maximize Ion Uptake 52
3.8 The Radial Path of Ion Movement Through Roots 54
3.9 Root-Microbe Interactions 56
Box 3.1 Electrophysiology--Exploring Ion Channels 44
Chapter 4 Plants and Inorganic Nutrients 61
4.1 Methods and Nutrient Solutions 62
4.2 The Essential Nutrient Elements 65
4.3 Beneficial Elements 66
4.4 Nutrient Functions and Deficiency Symptoms 67
4.5 Toxicity of Micronutrients 75
Chapter 5 Bioenergetics and ATP Synthesis 77
5.1 Bioenergetics and Energy Transformations in Living Organisms 78
5.2 Energy Transformations and Coupled Reactions 81
5.3 Energy Transduction and the Chemiosmotic Synthesis of ATP 85
Box 5.1 Plastid Biogenesis 86
Chapter 6 The Dual Role of Sunlight: Energy and Information 93
6.1 The Physical Nature of Light 93
6.2 The Natural Radiation Environment 99
6.3 Photoreceptors Absorb Light for use in a Physiological Process 100
Chapter 7 Energy Conservation in Photosynthesis: Harvesting Sunlight 109
7.1 Leaves are Photosynthetic Machines that Maximize the Absorption of Light 110
7.2 Photosynthesis is an Oxidation-Reduction Process 112
7.3 Photosynthetic Electron Transport 114
7.4 Photophosphorylation is the Light-Dependent Synthesis of ATP 120
7.5 Lateral Heterogeneity is the Unequal Distribution of Thylakoid Complexes 122
7.6 Cyanobacteria are Oxygenic 123
7.7 Inhibitors of Photosynthetic Electron Transport are Effective Herbicides
Box 7.1 Historical Perspeetive—The Discovery of Photosynthesis 113
Box 7.2 The Case for Two Photosystems 12 5
Chapter 8 Energy Conservation in Photosynthesis: CO2 Assimilation 129
8.1 Stomatal Complex Controls Leaf Gas Exchange and Water Loss 130
8.2 CO2 Enters the Leaf by Diffusion 132
8.3 How Do Stomata Open and Close? 133
8.4 Stomatal Movements are Also Controlled by External Environmental Factors 135
8.5 The Photosynthetic Carbon Reduction (PCR) Cycle 136
8.6 The PCR Cycle is Highly Regulated 139
8.7 Chloroplasts of C3 Plants also Exhibit Competing Carbon Oxidation Processes
BOX 8.1 Enzyanes 146
Chapter 9 Allocation, Translocation, and Partitioning of Photoassimilates 151
9.1 Starch and Sucrose are Biosynthesized in Two Different Compartments 152
9.2 Starch and Sucrose Biosynthesis are Competitive Processes 154
9.3 Fructan Biosynthesis is An Alternative Pathway For Carbon Allocation 156
9.4 Photoassimilates are Translocated Over Long Distances 156
9.5 Sieve Elements are the Principal Cellular Constituents of the Phloem 159
9.6 Direction of Translocation is Determined by Source-Sink Relationships 161
9.7 Phloem Translocation Occurs by Mass Transfer 161
9.8 Phloem Loading and Unloading Regulate Translocation and Partitioning 163
9.9 Photoassimilate is Distributed Between Different Metabolic Pathways and Plant Organs 166
9.10 Xenobiotic Agrochemicals are Translocated in the Phloem 170
Chapter 10 Cellular Respiration: Unlocking the Energy Stored in Photoassimilates
10.1 Cellular Respiration Consists of a Series of Pathways by Which Photoassimilates are Oxidized 174
10.2 Starch Mobilization 175
10.3 Frnctan Mobilization is Constitutive 178
10.4 Glycolysis Converts Sugars to Pyrnvic Acid 178
10.5 The Oxidative Pentose Phosphate Pathway is an Alternative Route for Glucose Metabolism 180
10.6 The Fate of Pyruvate Depends on the Availability of Molecular Oxygen 181
10.7 Oxidative Respiration is Carried out by the Mitochondrion 182
10.8 Energy is Conserved in the Form of ATP in Accordance with Chemiosmosis 185
10.9 Plants Contain Several Alternative Electron Transport Pathways 186
10.10 Many Seeds Store Carbon as Oils that are Converted to Sugar 188
10.11 Respiration Provides Carbon Skeletons for Biosynthesis 189
10.12 Respiratory Rate Varies with Development and Metabolic State 191
10.13 Respiration Rates Respond to Environmental Conditions 192
Chapter 11 Nitrogen Assimilation 195 12.2
11.1 The Nitrogen Cycle: A Complex Pattern of Exchange
11.2 Biological Nitrogen Fixation is Exclusively Prokaryotic 196
11.3 Legumes Exhibit Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation 197
11.4 The Biochemistry of Nitrogen Fixation 200
11.5 The Genetics of Nitrogen Fixation 203
11.6 NH3 Produced by Nitrogen Fixation is Converted to Organic Nitrogen 204
11.7 Plants Generally Take up Nitrogen in the Form of Nitrate 207
11.8 Nitrogen Cycling: Simultaneous Import and Export 208
11.9 Agricultural and Ecosystem Productivity is Dependent on Nitrogen Supply 209
Chapter 12 Carbon and Nitrogen Assimilation and Plant Productivity 213
12.1 Productivity Refers to an Increase in Biomass 213
12.2 Carbon Economy is Dependent on the Balance Between Photosynthesis and Respiration 214
12.3 Productivity is Influenced by a Variety of Environmental Factors 215
Chapter 13 Responses of Plants to Environmental Stress 223
13.1 What is Plant Stress? 223
13.2 Plants Respond to Stress in Several Different Ways 224
13.3 Too Much Light Inhibits Photosynthesis 225
13.4 Water Stress is a Persistent Threat to Plant Survival 229
13.5 Plants are Sensitive to Fluctuations in Temperature 233
13.6 Insect Pests and Disease Represent Potential Biotic Stresses 235
13.7 There are Features Common to all Stresses 237
BOX 13.1 Monitoring Plant Stress by Chlorophyll Fluorescence 228
Chapter 14 Acclimation to Environmental Stress 241
14.1 PlantAcclimationisaTime-Dependent Phenomenon 242
14.2 Acclimation is Initiated by Rapid, Short-Term Responses 242
14.3 Long-Term Acclimation Alters Phenotype 249
14.4 Freezing Tolerance in Herbaceous Species is a Complex Interaction Between Light and Low Temperature 255
14.5 Plants Adjust Photosynthetic Capacity in Response to High Temperature 257
14.6 Oxygen may Protect During Accimation to Various Stresses 258
Chapter 15 Adaptations to the Environment 261
15.1 Sun and Shade Adapted Plants Respond Differentially to Irradiance 262
15.2 C4 Plants are Adapted to High Temperature and Drought 263
15.3 Crassulacean Acid Metabolism is an Adaptation to Desert Life 267
15.4 C4 and CAM Photosynthesis Require Precise Regulation and Temporal Integration 269
15.5 Plant Biomes Reflect Myriad Physiological Adaptations 270
Chapter 16 Development: An Overview 275
16.1 Growth, Differentiation, and Development 275
16.2 Meristems are Centers of Plant Growth 277
16.3 Seed Development and Germination 279
16.4 From Embryo to Adult 285
16.5 Senescence and Programmed Cell Death are the Final Stages of Development 286
Box 16.1 Development in a Mutant Weed 282
Chapter 17 Growth and Development of Cells 289
17.1 Growth of Plant Cells is Complicated by the Presence of a Cell Wall 289
17.2 Cell Division 292
17.3 Cell Walls and Cell Growth 294
17.4 A Continuous Stream of Signals Provides Information that Plant Cells Use to Modify Development 298
17.5 Signal Transduction Includes a Diverse Array of Second Messengers 300
17.6 There is Extensive Crosstalk Among Signal Pathways 303
Box 17.1 Cytoskeleton 295
Box 17.2 Ubiquitin and Proteasomes--Cleaning up Unwanted Proteins 302
Chapter 18 Hormones I: Auxins 305
18.1 The Hormone Concept in Plants 305
18.2 Auxin is Distributed Throughout the Plant 306
18.3 The Principal Auxin in Plants is Indole-3-Acetic Acid (LAA) 307
18.4 IAA is Synthesized from the Amino Acid 1-Tryptophan 309
18.5 Some Plants do not Require Tryptophan for IAA Biosynthesis 310
18.6 IAA may be Stored as Inactive Conjugates 310
18.7 IAA is Deactivated by Oxidation and Conjugation with Amino Acids 311
18.8 Auxin is Involved in Virtually Every Stage of Plant Development 311
18.9 The Acid-Growth Hypothesis Explains Auxin Control of Cell Enlargement 314
18.10 Maintenance of Auxin-Induced Growth and Other Auxin Effects Requires Gene Activation 316
18.11 Many Aspects of Plant Development are Linked to the Polar Transport of Auxin
BOX 18.1 Discovering Auxin 307
Box 18.2 Commercial Applications of Auxins 314
Chapter 19 Hormones II: Gibberellins 323
19.1 There are a Large Number of Gibberellins 323
19.2 There are Three Principal Sites for Gibberellin Biosynthesis 324
19.3 Gibberellins are Terpenes, Sharing a Core Pathway with Several Other Hormones and a Wide Range of Secondary Products 325
19.4 Gibberellins are Synthesized from Geranylgeranyl Pyrophosphate (GGPP) 327
19.5 Gibberellins are Deactivated by 2β-Hydroxylation 329
19.6 Growth Retardants Block the Synthesis of Gibberellins 329
19.7 Gibberellin Transport is Poorly Understood 330
19.8 Gibberellins Affect Many Aspects of Plant Growth and Development 330
19.9 Gibberellins Act by Regulating Gene Expression 333
Box 19.1 Discovery ofGibberellins 325
Box 19.2 Commercial Applications of Gibberellins 330
Box 19.3 Della Proteins and the Green Revolution 335
Chapter 20 Hormones Ill: Cytokinins 339
20.1 Cytoldnins are Adenine Derivatives 339
20.2 Cytokinins are Synthesized Primarily in the Root and Translocated in the Xylem 341
20.3 Cytokinins are Required for Cell Proliferation 343
20.4 Cytoldnin Receptor and Signaling 350
Box 20.1 The Discovery" of Cytokinins 341
Box 20.2 Tissue Culture has Made Possible Large-Scale Cloning of Plants by Micropropagation 345
Chapter 21 Hormones IV: Abscisic Acid, Ethylene, and Brassinosteroids 355
21.1 Abscisic Acid 355
21.2 Ethylene 362
21.3 Brassinosteroids 367
Box 21.1 The Discovery of Abscisic Acid 356
Box 21.2 The Discovery of Ethylene 363
Box 21.3 Mitogenactivated Protein Kinase: A widespread Mechanism for Signal Transduction 366
Chapter 22 Photomorphogenesis: Responding to Light 373
22.1 Photomorphogenesis is Initiated by Photoreceptors 373
22.2 Phytochromes: Responding to Red and Far-Red Light 374
22.3 Cryptochrome: Responding to Blue and UV-A Light 379
22.4 Phytochrome and Cryptochrome Mediate Numerous Developmental Responses 379
22.5 Chemistry and Mode of Action of Phytochrome and Cryptochrome 383
22.6 Some Plant Responses are Regulated by UV-B Light 387
22.7 De-Etiolation in Arabidopsis: A Case Study in Photoreceptor Interactions
Box 22.1 Historical Perspectives--The Discovery of Phytochrome 375
Chapter 23 Tropisms and Nastic Movements: Orienting Plants in Space 391
23.1 Phototropism: Reaching for the Sun 392
23.2 Gravitropism 398
23.3 Nastic Movements 405
Box 23.1 Methods in the Study of Gravitropism 400
Chapter 24 Measuring Time: Controlling Development by Photoperiod and Endogenous Clocks 413
24.1 Photoperiodism 414
24.2 The Biological Clock 423
24.3 Photoperiodism in Nature 430
Box 24.1 Historical Perspectives: The Discovery of Photoperiodism 414
Box 24.2 ttistorical Perspectives: The Biological Clock 422
Chapter 25 Flowering and Fruit Development 433
25.1 Flower Initiation and Development Involves the Sequential Action of Three Sets of Genes 433
25.2 Temperature can Alter the Flowering Response to Photoperiod 437
25.3 Fruit Set and Development is Regulated by Hormones 442
Box 25.1 Ethylene: It's a Gas! 445
Chapter 26 Temperature: Plant Development and Distribution 447
26.1 Temperature in the Plant Environment 447
26.2 Bud Dormancy 449
26.3 Seed Dormancy 451
26.4 Thermoperiodism is a Response to Alternating Temperature 454
26.5 Temperature Influences Plant Distribution 454
Box 26.1 Bulbs and Corms 450
Chapter 27 Secondary Metabolites 459
27.1 Secondary Metabolites: A.K.A Natural Products 459
27.2 Terpenes 460
27.3 Glycosides 463
27.4 Phenylpropanoids 467
27.5 Secondary Metabolites are Active Against Insects and Disease 474
27.6 Jasmonates are Linked to Ubiquitin-Related Protein Degradation 476
27.7 Alkaloids 476
Appendix Building Blocks: Lipids, Proteins, and Carbobydrates 481
1.1 Lipids 481
1.2 Proteins 483
1.3 Carbohydrates 485
Index/Glossary 489