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Cellular lipid metabolism / Christian Ehnholm, editor. — Berlin : Springer, c2009. – (58.17423/C393) |
1 The Lipid Droplet: a Dynamic Organelle, not only Involved in the Storage and Turnover of Lipids
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Lipid Droplets Form as Primordial Structures at Microsomal Membranes
1.3 Lipid Droplet Size Increases by Fusion
1.4 Lipid Droplets and the Development of Insulin Resistance
1.5 Lipid Droplet-Associated Proteins
1.6 Lipid Droplets and the Secretion of Triglycerides from the Cell
1.7 Conclusions
2 Oxysterols and Oxysterol-Binding Proteins in Cellular Lipid Metabolism 27
2.1 Oxysterols, Their Synthesis and Catabolism
2.2 Biological Activities of Oxysterols 34
2.3 Cytoplasmic Oxysterol-Binding Proteins 41
2.4 Future Perspectives 55
References 58
3 Cellular Lipid Traffic and Lipid Transporters: Regulation of Efflux and HDL Formation
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Regulation of apoA-I Synthesis, Lipidation and Secretion in Hepatocytes: Genesis of apoA-I-Containing Lipoproteins and HDL
3.3 Cell Specificity of ABCA1 Expression and HDL Formation in Vivo: Insight from Genetically Modified Mice
3.4 Transcriptional and Posttranscriptional Regulation of ABCA1
3.5 Cellular Traffic of ABCA1
3.6 Integrated Models of Lipid Efflux and Lipoprotein Assembly: Nascent HDL Formation
3.7 Complementarities of ABCA1, ABCG1 and SR-BI in Lipid Efflux and HDL Formation and Their Combined Role in Reverse Cholesterol Transport in Vivo
3.8 Cellular Lipid Traffic Through the Late Endosomes
3.9 Cholesterol Traffic Through the Lipid Droplet
3.10 Caveolin and Cellular Cholesterol Transport
3.11 Mobilization of LD Lipids for Efflux
3.12 Conclusions
4 Bile Acids and Their Role in Cholesterol Homeostasis
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Bile Acid Synthesis
4.3 Regulation of the Enterohepatic Circulation
4.4 Cholesterol in the Enterohepatic Circulation
4.5 Role of the Enterohepatic Cycle in the Control of Cholesterol Homeostasis
4.6 Concluding Remarks
5 Cholesterol Trafficking in the Brain 131
5.1 Introduction 131
5.2 Cholesterol Turnover in the Brain 132
5.3 Release of 24(S)-Hydroxycholesterol from the Brain into the Circulation 135
5.4 Lipoproteins in the Cerebrospinal Fluid
5.5 Astrocytes Supply Neurons with Cholesterol
5.6 How do Neurons Regulate Their Cholesterol Supply?
5.7 Alternative Pathway for Cholesterol Release from Neurons?
5.8 Role for cAMP Responsive Element Binding Protein in the Regulation of Neuronal Cholesterol Homeostasis
5.9 Internalization of Cholesterol by Neurons
5.10 The Choroid Plexus as an Alternative Source of HDL
5.11 Disturbances in Cholesterol Trafficking Between Astrocytes and Neurons in Alzheimer's Disease?
5.12 Do Alterations in Systemic Sterol Metabolism Alter Brain Sterol Metabolism?
References 148
6 Intracellular Cholesterol Transport 157
6.1 Biophysical Properties of Cholesterol in Model Membranes
6.2 Molecular Organization and Function of Cholesterol in the Plasma Membrane
6.3 Overview of Membrane Traffic Along the Endocytic and Secretory Pathways and its Dependence on Cholesterol
6.4 Function of Various Organelles in Cellular Cholesterol Metabolism and Transport
6.5 Vesicular and Non-Vesicular Transport of Cholesterol: Targets, Kinetics and Regulation
6.6 Alterations in Intracellular Cholesterol Trafficking in Atherosclerosis and Lipid Storage Diseases
6.7 Future Prospects
7 Role of the Endothelium in Lipoprotein Metabolism 19l
7.1 Introduction 191
7.2 Expression of Proteins Involved in Lipoprotein Metabolism 192
7.3 Lipoprotein Transport Through the Endothelium 195
7.4 Target for Physiological and Pathological Effects of Lipoproteins
8 Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis and Intracellular Trafficking of Lipoproteins
8.1 Lipoproteins and Their Receptors 213
8.2 Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis of LDL 216
8.3 Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis of Chylomicron Remnants 223
9 Angiopoietin-Like Proteins and Lipid Metabolism 237
9.1 Introduction 237
9.2 Angptl4 and Lipid Metabolism 238
9.3 Angptl3 and Lipid Metabolism 243
9.5 Conclusion 246
References 246
10 Thyroid Hormones and Lipid Metabolism: Thyromimetics as Anti-Atherosclerotic Agents? 251
10.1 Thyroid Hormones, Thyroid Hormone-Receptors and Lipoprotein Metabolism 252
10.2 Thyromimetics and Thyromimetic Compounds 268
11 Adipokines: Regulators of Lipid Metabolism 283
11.1 Introduction 283
11.2 Regulation of Lipid Metabolism by Adipokines 284
11.3 Conclusions 294
References 295
12 Cellular Cholesterol Transport - Microdomains, Molecular Acceptors and Mechanisms 301
12.1 Overview 301
12.2 Structure and Properties of the Cell Surface 304
12.3 Role of Cell-Surface Lipid Transporters in RCT 305
12.4 Cholesterol Efflux and the LCAT Reaction 306
12.5 Significance of ABCG1 308
12.6 Recycling of apo-A-I 308
12.7 RCT from Activated Macrophages 309
References 311
13 The Ins and Outs of Adipose Tissue 315
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Sources of Lipids for Deposition in Adipose Tissue
13.3 Lipoprotein Lipase
13.4 Intracellular Lipases
13.5 Triglyceride Synthesis
13.6 Conclusion: an Integrated View of the Lipase Systems in Adipose Tissue