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International review of cell and molecular biology. v. 269 / edited by Kwang W. Jeon. — Amsterdam : Elsevier, c2008. – (58.15/I61/v.269)


    1. Trophic Factors in the Carotid Body
     1. Introduction
     2. Growth and Trophic Factors
     3. Peptide Neuromodulators as Glomic Potential Trophic Factors
     4. Concluding Remarks and Perspectives
    2. Structure of the Insect Oocyte Nucleus with Special Reference to Interchromatin Granule Clusters and Cajal Bodies 59
     1. Introduction
     2. Background
     3. Nuclear Structures of Oocytes in Panoistic Ovaries
     4. Oocyte Nuclear Structures in insects with Meroistic-Polytrophic Ovaries
     5. Oocyte Nuclear Structures in Insects with Meroistic-Telotrophic Ovaries
     6. Closing Remarks
    3. Galactose Metabolism in Yeast--Structure and Regulation of the Leloir Pathway Enzymes and the Genes Encoding Them
     1. Introduction
     2. Leloir Pathway Enzymes in Yeast
     3. The Regulation of 6AL Gene Expression
     4. Chromatin Re-Localization and Transcriptional Memory in GAI Gene Regulation
     5. Conclusions and Future Directions
    4. Signaling Systems of Lower Eukaryotes and Their Evolution 151
     1. Introduction
     2. Serpentine-Type Receptors: Organization, Ligands, and Signaling Cascades
     3. Heterotrimeric G Proteins
     4. Adenylyl Cyclases
     5. Guanylyl Cyclases
     6. Evolution of Eukaryotic Chemosignaling Systems
    5. Mechanisms of Sister Chromatid Pairing
     1. Introduction
     2. Structural Cohesins
     3. Cohesin Enzymology
     4. Cohesin Deposition
     5. PDS5 and WAPI_/RAD61--Cohesin Regulators
     6. Cohesion Establishment and CTF7
     7. Alternate Cohesion Mechanisms
     8. Human Disease States and Future Considerations
    6. Teleost Lens Development and Degeneration
     1. Introduction
     2. Zebrafish Lens Developmental Morphology
     3. Adult Lens Structural Organization
     4. Molecular Basis of Teleost Lens Formation
     5. Teleost Lens and Development of Extralenticular Eye Tissues
     6. Mutational Analysis to Identify Genes Necessary for Zebrafish Lens Development and Maintenance of Transparency
     7. Summary