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Lipases and phospholipases in drug development : from biochemistry to molecular pharmacology / edited by G"unter M"uller and Stefan Petry. -- Wiley-VCH, 2004. -- 63.32/L764p



1. Purification of Lipase  1

2. Phospholipase A1 Structures, Physiological and Patho-physiological Roles in Mammals  23

3. Rational Design of a Liposomal Drug Delivery System Based on Biophysical Studies of Phospholipase A2 Activity on Model Lipid membranes  41

4. Phospholipase D  55

5. Sphingomyelinases and Their Interaction with Membrane Lipids  79

6. Glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol Cleavage Products in Signal Transduction  101

7. High-througput Screening of Hormones-sensitive Lipase and Subsequent Computer-assisted Compound Optimization  121

8. Endothelial Lipase: A Novel Drug Target for HDL and Atherosclerosis?  139

9. Digestive Lipases Inhibition: an In vitro Study  155

10. Physiology of Gastrointestinal and Therapeutical Use of Lipases and Digestive Lipase Inhibitors  195

11. Physiological and Pharmacological Regulation of Triacylglycerol Storage and Mobilization  231