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Modern Plant Physiology / by R.K. Sinha. -- Alpha Science International Ltd, 2004




1.Cell and Cell Organslles  3-34

2.Forms of Solutions  35-41

3.Behavior of Cells Towards Water  42-63

4.Absorption and Translocation of Water  64-83

5.Loss of Water From Plants  84-100

6.Mineral Nutrition and Absorption  101-122

7.Translocation of Solutes  123-141

8.Enzymes  145-175

9.Photosynthesis  176-255

10.Carbohydrate  256-275

11.Special Modes of Nutrition in Plants  276-289

12.Nitrogen Metabolism  290-309

13.Amino Acid Metabolism  310-324

14. Protein Metabolism  325-351

15.Nucleic Acid Metabolism  352-377

16.Lipid Metabolism  378-403

17.Respiration  404-444

18.Growth Development and Organogenesis  447-460

19.Hormones/Growth Regulators  461-512

20.Physiology of Flowering  513-522

21.Senescence, Aging, Abscission and Polarity  523-529

22.Dormancy and Germination of Seeds  530-537

23.Movements in Plants  538-550

24.Stress Physiology  551-560

25.Tissue Culture  561-576

26.Secondary Plant Metabolites  577-612